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1. Introduction: Exploitation, Colonialism, and Postcolonial Misrule in Africa
Section I. Encounters: Texts, Images, and Fiction
2. Rupturing Neocolonial Legacies in the African Novel: Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Matigari as a Paradigm
3. Decolonial Visions in Mid-Twentieth-Century African Rhetoric: Perspectives from Kwame Nkrumah's Consciencism
4. Images of Colonialism in the Text of Two African Female Poets
5. Migration and Exile: The Exotic Essence of Life in Bessie Head's When Rain Clouds Gather
6. Ingrid de Kok's "A Room Full of Questions" and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
7. Identity, the "Passing" Novel, and the Phenomenology of "Race"
Section II. Encounters: Spaces of Subjugation and Dominance
8. Precolonial Imaginaries and Colonial Legacies in Mobutu's "Authentic" Zaïre
9. World War II and West African Soldiers in Asia, 1943-1947
10. A Colonizing Agricultural Company in Somalia: The Duke of Abruzzi's Società Agricola Italo-Somala in the Italian Colonial Fascist System
11. The Magical Hour of Midnight: The Annual Commemorations of Rhodesia's and Transkei's Independence Days
12. Colonial Ideologies and the Emergence of Two Spaces: The Nigerian Experience.

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