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1. Nobody, Anybody, Somebody, Everybody: A Jurisprudence of the Body, Chris Dietz, Mitchell Travis, and Michael Thomson
Part I The Body of Health Law
2. Reasoning from the Body: Universal Vulnerability and Social Justice, Martha Albertson Fineman
3. Studying Public Health Law: Principles, Politics, and Populations as Patients, John Coggan
4. Bioinequalities: Rethinking Legal Responses to the Biological and Intergenerational Harm Caused by Inequality, Karen OConnell and Isabel Karpin
5. Healthcare, Well-being, and the Regulation of Diversity in Healing, Emilie Cloatre and Nayeli Urquiza-Haas
Part II Bodies of Health
6. Temporal Bodies: Emergencies, Emergence, and Intersex Embodiment, Fae Garland and Mitchell Travis
7. Death Before Birth: Liminal Bodies and Legal Frameworks, Karolina Kuberska, Danielle Fuller, Jeannette Littlemore, Sheelagh McGuinness, and Sarah Turner
8. Depathologising Gender: Vulnerability in Trans Health Law, Chris Dietz and Ruth Pearce
9. Feminist Activism in the Context of Clinical Trials and Drug Roll-Out, Aziza Ahmed
Part III Reframing Health Law Through Bodies
10. Establishing Boundaries for Speculation About Artificial Wombs, Ectogenesis, Gender and the Gestating Body, Claire Horn and Elizabeth Chloe Romanis
11. A Relational Responsibilities Framework for Childrens Healthcare Law, Jo Bridgeman
12. Embodied Integrity, Shaping Surgeries, and the Profoundly Disabled Child, Marie Fox, Michael Thomson, and Joshua Warburton.

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