Linked e-resources


Part I Game Theory
Game Theory, Introduction to
Cooperative Games
Cooperative Games (von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Sets)
Cost Sharing
Fair Division
Two-Sided Matching Models
Networks and Stability
Market Games and Clubs
Voting Procedures, Complexity of
Social Choice Theory
Static Games
Game Theory and Strategic Complexity
Zero-Sum Two Person Games
Differential Games
Bayesian Games: Games with Incomplete Information
Correlated Equilibria and Communication in Games
Signaling Games
Repeated Games with Complete Information
Repeated Games with Incomplete Information
Reputation Effects
Learning in Games
Dynamic Games with an Application to Climate Change Models
Evolutionary Game Theory
Stochastic Games
Implementation Theory
Mechanism Design
Market Design
Principal-Agent Models
Inspection Games
Experimental Games
Part II Agent Based Modeling and Simulation
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation, Introduction to
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation
Embodied and Situated Agents, Adaptive Behavior in
Swarm Intelligence
Agent-Based Modeling and Artificial Life
Interaction Based Computing in Physics
Cellular Automaton Modeling of Tumor Invasion
Agent Based Computational Economics
Social Phenomena Simulation
Computer Graphics and Games, Agent Based Modeling in
Agent Based Modeling, Large Scale Simulations
Agent Based Modeling for Multi-scale systems
Agent Based Modeling, Mathematical Formalism for
Logic and Geometry of Agents in Agent-Based Modeling
Agent-Based Modeling and Computer.

