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'Capability' concept and the evolution of European social policy / Simon Deakin
Euro and the welfare state / Mića Panić
Privatisation of social welfare: European Union competition law rules / John Temple Lang
Aims, effects and justifications : EC state aid law and its impact on national social policies / Andrea Biondi & Luca Rubini
Healthcare as an economic service under EC law / Panos Koutrakos
Community competence to regulate medical services / Derrick Wyatt
Impact of European Union law on English healthcare law / Jonathan Montgomery
EU citizenship and the principle of solidarity / Catherine Barnard
'Wish you weren't here
' new models of social solidarity in the European Union / Michael Dougan & Eleanor Spaventa
EU law and education : promotion of student mobility versus protection of education systems / Anne Pieter van der Mei
Inclusion and exclusion of persons and benefitsin the new co-ordination regulation / Frans Pennings
Between a rock and a soft place : internal market versus open co-ordination in EU social welfare law / Nick Bernard.

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