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Table of Contents
Intermediate steps in dropwise condensation
Mechanism of Dropwise Condensation and its Modeling
Drop Formation at the Atomic Scale
Spreading of a Single Drop on Sessile and Pendant Surfaces
Macroscopic Modeling of Dropwise Condensation
Simulation of Dropwise Condensation in a Parallel Environment
Dropwise Condensation of Water Vapor (Simulation)
Dropwise Condensation of Bismuth (Simulation)
Surface preparation Techniques
Coalescence Dynamics of Drops over a Hydrophobic Surface
Liquid Crystal Thermography of Condensing Drops
Dropwise Condensation of water vapor
Instrumentation Issues Encountered During Measurement of Heat Transfer
Evaporation of a Liquid Drops from a Textured Surface
Concluding remarks and perspectives
Future Work.
Intermediate steps in dropwise condensation
Mechanism of Dropwise Condensation and its Modeling
Drop Formation at the Atomic Scale
Spreading of a Single Drop on Sessile and Pendant Surfaces
Macroscopic Modeling of Dropwise Condensation
Simulation of Dropwise Condensation in a Parallel Environment
Dropwise Condensation of Water Vapor (Simulation)
Dropwise Condensation of Bismuth (Simulation)
Surface preparation Techniques
Coalescence Dynamics of Drops over a Hydrophobic Surface
Liquid Crystal Thermography of Condensing Drops
Dropwise Condensation of water vapor
Instrumentation Issues Encountered During Measurement of Heat Transfer
Evaporation of a Liquid Drops from a Textured Surface
Concluding remarks and perspectives
Future Work.