Linked e-resources


1. Storytelling and Why its so Important
2. How Venture Capital Works
3. How to Design you Pitch Deck
4. What Slides will you Need?
5. Slide: The Problem
and Why it is Worth Solving- 6. Slide: The Solution
and How you are Different from Other Solutions on the Market
7. Slide: The Product
What Does the Solution Actually Do?
8. Slide: Market- Where is the Market Today? Where is it Going?
9. Slide: Team
Why You are the Right People to Solve this Problem
10. Slide: Traction
How are you Measuring Your Success to Date? What Milestones Have you Hit?
11. Slide: The Moat
Why is it Hard for other Startups to do What You're Doing?
12. Slide: Business Model
How are you Going to Make Money?
13. Slide: Go-To-Market Strategy
What's the 'Beach-head Audience,' and How are you Going to Reach Them?
14. Slide: Competitors
Who Else is in the Market? How Else are your Customers Solving the Same Problem?
15. Slide: The Ask- How Much are you Raising, and What are you Going to Accomplish with that Money?
16. Slide: Timing
Why is Now is the Perfect Time to Start this Company?
17. The Take-Home Deck- Should You Have Multiple Versions of your Pitch Deck?
18. Who Should you be Talking To? Creating an Investor Lead List.
19. Getting Introductions- So, How do you Get in Front of the Right People?
20. The Investment Thesis- Your Potential Investors Have a Thesis They Use to Guide Their Investments. It's Helpful to Know What it is
21. Further Reading
Now that you Have a Pitch, What Else do you Need to Know?.

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