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Part III
Parallel Computing with Cybersecurity and Blockchain (PCB)
Understanding Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Digital Cryptocurrencies
1 Introduction
2 Privacy Issues in Digital Cryptocurrencies
3 Classification of Privacy-Preserving Techniques
3.1 Privacy-Preserving Techniques of Transaction
3.2 Privacy-Preserving Techniques of Smart Contract
3.3 Privacy-Preserving Techniques of On-Chain Data
4 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
4.1 Trusted Setup
4.2 Verification Efficiency
4.3 Safety Performance

5 Discussions and Future Work
6 Conclusions
LNBFSM: A Food Safety Management System Using Blockchain and Lightning Network
1 Introduction
2 System Design
2.1 Overall Structure
2.2 Data Structure
2.3 Smart Contract
2.4 Consensus Mechanism
3 Algorithm
3.1 QueryVerification Algorithm
3.2 Balance Algorithm
3.3 TransactionChannelDown Algorithm
4 Evaluations and Findings
5 Conclusions
Reputation-Based Trustworthy Supply Chain Management Using Smart Contract
1 Introduction
2 Proposed Model

2.1 Key Components and Model Design
2.2 Reputation Assessment Blockchain (RAB)
3 Algorithms
3.1 Quality Status Generation (QSG) Algorithm
3.2 Token-Based Reputation Reward/Punishment Algorithm
4 Experiment and the Results
5 Conclusions
Content-Aware Anomaly Detection with Network Representation Learning
1 Introduction
2 Background and Related Works
2.1 Network Embedding
2.2 Network Anomaly Detection
2.3 Network Embedding Based Anomaly Detection
3 Problem Formulation
4 The Proposed Content-Aware Anomaly Detection Method

4.1 Content-Aware Network Anomaly Detection Method
4.2 Network Embedding Objective
4.3 Auto-encoder Based Anomaly Detection
5 Experiments
5.1 Benchmark Networks
5.2 Baseline Methods
5.3 Experiment Settings and Evaluation Metrics
5.4 Experiment Results
6 Conclusion
Blockchain Based Data Integrity Verification for Cloud Storage with T-Merkle Tree
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
2.1 Centralized Data Integrity Verification
2.2 Blockchain Based Data Integrity Verification
3 Definitions and Preliminaries
3.1 System Model

3.2 Threat Model and Design Goals
3.3 Preliminaries
4 The Proposed Blockchain Based Data Integrity Verification Scheme
4.1 Structure of T-Merkle Tree
4.2 Construction of the Proposed Scheme
4.3 Discussion on Decentralized Verification
5 Security Analysis
5.1 Correctness
5.2 Unforgeability
6 Performance Evaluation
6.1 Performance Analysis
6.2 Experimental Results
7 Conclusion
IM-ACS: An Access Control Scheme Supporting Informal Non-malleable Security in Mobile Media Sharing System
1 Introduction
2 Related Works

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