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Knowledge Graph
Event-centric Tourism Knowledge Graph
A Case Study of Hainan
Extracting Short Entity Descriptions for Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models
Graph Embedding Based on Characteristic of Rooted Subgraph Structure
Knowledge Graphs Meet Geometry for Semi-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Topological Graph Representation Learning on Property Graph
Measuring Triplet Trustworthiness in Knowledge Graphs via Expanded Relation Detection
A Contextualized Entity Representation for Knowledge Graph Completion
A Dual Fusion Model for Attributed Network Embedding
Attention-based Knowledge Tracing with Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
Knowledge Representation
Detecting Statistically Significant Events in Large Heterogeneous Attribute Graphs via Densest Subgraphs
Edge Features Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Relation Extraction
MMEA: Entity Alignment for Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph
A Hybrid Model with Pre-trained Entity-Aware Transformer for Relation Extraction
NovEA: A Novel Model of Entity Alignment Using Attribute Triples and Relation Triples
A Robust Representation with Pre-Trained Start and End Characters Vectors for Noisy Word Recognition
Intention Multiple-representation Model for Logistics Intelligent Customer Service
Identifying Loners from Their Project Collaboration Records
A Graph-based Approach
Node Embedding over Attributed Bipartite Graphs
FastLogSim: A quick log pattern parser scheme based on text similarity
Knowledge Management for Education
Robotic Pushing and Grasping Knowledge Learning via Attention Deep Q-Learning Network
A Dynamic Answering Path based Fusion Model for KGQA
Improving Deep Item-based Collaborative Filtering with Bayesian Personalized Ranking for MOOC Course Recommendation
Online Programming Education Modeling and Knowledge Tracing
Enhancing Pre-Trained Language Models by Self-Supervised Learning for Story Cloz e Test
MOOCRec: An Attention Meta-path Based Model for Top-K Recommendation in MOOC
Knowledge-based Systems
PVFNet: Point-view fusion network for 3D shape recognition
HEAM: Heterogeneous Network Embedding with Automatic Meta-path Construction
A Graph Attentive Network Model for P2P Lending Fraud Detection
An Empirical Study on Recent Graph Database Systems
Bibliometric Analysis of Twitter Knowledge management publications related to Health Promotion
Automatic cerebral artery system labeling using registration and key points tracking
Page-level handwritten word spotting via discriminative feature learning
NADSR: A Network Anomaly Detection Scheme based on Representation
A Knowledge-based Scheduling Method for Multi-Satellite Range System
IM-Net: Semantic Segmentation Algorithm for Medical Images Based on Mutual Information Maximization
Data Processing and Mining
Fast Backward Iterative Laplacian Score for Unsupervised Feature Selection
Improving Low-Resource Chinese Event Detection with Multi-Task Learning
Feature Selection Using Sparse Twin Support Vector Machine with correntropy-induces loss
Customized Decision Tree for Fat Multi-resolution Chart Patterns Classification
Predicting user influence in the propagation of toxic information
Extracting Distinctive Shapelets with Random Selection for Early Classification
Butterfly-Based Higher-Order Clustering on Bipartite Networks
Learning Dynamic Pricing Rules for Flight Tickets.

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