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Joshua in Reception History / Zev I. Farber
New Perspectives on the Exile in Light of Cuneiform Texts / Laurie Pearce
New Perspectives on the Return from Exile and Persian-Period Yehud / Mary Joan Winn Leith
Yahwistic Religion in the Persian Period / Melody D. Knowles
A Theological Comparison of the Deuteronomistic History and Chronicles / Matthew J. Lynch
Politics and Kingship in the Historical Books, with Attention to the Role of Political Theory in Interpretation / Geoffrey Parsons Miller
The Distinctive Roles of the Prophets in the Deuteronomistic History and the Chronicler's History / Marvin A. Sweeney
The Various Roles of Women in the Historical Books / Mercedes L. García Bachmann
David in Reception History / Dominik Markl
The Historical Books in the New Testament / Steve Moyise
The Deuteronomistic History as Literature of Trauma / David Janzen
Reading the Historical Books as Part of the Primary History / Richard S. Briggs
Synthetic and Literary Readings of Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah / Steven J. Schweitzer
Deborah in Reception History / Joy A. Schroeder
The Rise and Fall of the So-Called Chronicler's History and the Current Study of the Composition of Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah / Ralph W. Klein
Synchronic Readings of Joshua-Kings / Serge Frolov
Yahwistic Religion in the Assyrian and Babylonian Periods / Richard S. Hess
Divine and Human Violence in the Historical Books / Douglas S. Earl
Feminist and Postcolonial Readings of the Historical Books / Cameron B. R. Howard
Solomon in Reception History / Sara M. Koenig
The So-called Deuteronomistic History and Its Theories of Composition / Thomas Römer
Saul in Reception History / Barbara Green
The Role of Orality and Textuality, Folklore and Scribalism in the Historical Books / Susan Niditch
Early Israel's Origins, Settlement, and Ethnogenesis / Ann E. Killebrew
Text-Critical Issues with Samuel and Kings / Julio Trebolle Barrera, Eugene Ulrich
Text-Critical Issues in Ezra-Nehemiah and 1 Esdras / Lisbeth S. Fried
The Later Monarchy in History and Biblical Historiography / Paul S. Evans
Israelite and Judean Society and Economy / Roger S. Nam
Exogamy and Divorce in Ezra and Nehemiah / Herbert R. Marbury
1 Esdras: Structure, Composition, and Significance / Kristin de Troyer
Ezra and Nehemiah in Reception History / Armin Siedlecki
Introduction / Brad E. Kelle, Brent A. Strawn
Assyrian and Babylonian Sources / Martti Nissinen
Achaemenid Political History and Sources / Amélie Kuhrt
Historiography and History Writing in the Ancient World / Richard D. Nelson
Israelite State Formation and Early Monarchy in History and Biblical Historiography / Walter Dietrich
Samson in Reception History / Kelly J. Murphy.

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