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Handwriting and Text Processing
Gender Detection from Arabic Handwritten Documents Using the Concept of Transfer-Learning
Split and Merge: Component Based Segmentation Network for Text Detection
Gate-Fusion Transformer for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Overview of Mathematical Expression Recognition
Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition: A Survey
Commodity Classification Based on Multi-Modal Jointly Using Image and Text Information
A New DCT-FFT Fusion based Method for Caption and Scene Text Classification in Action Video Images
A New Method For Detecting Altered Text in Document Images
Hand-drawn Object Detection For Scoring Wartegg Zeichen Test
Application of Deep Learning for Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition: A Review
Comparison of Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition in Three Color Modalities Using
Deep Neural Networks
Application of Deep Learning in Handwritten Mathematical Expressions Recognition
Automating Stress Detection using Handwriting
Recognition of Cursive Caption Text using Deep Learning
A Comparative Study on Recognition Units
Features and Classifiers
A Hybrid Multiple Classifier System Applied in Life Insurance Underwriting
Generative Adversarial-Synergetic Networks for Anomaly Detection
Multi-Features Integration for Speech Emotion Recognition
Analysis of Multi-Class Classification of EEG signals using Deep Learning on MUSE Dataset
A Deep Object Detection Method for Pineapple Fruit and Flower Recognition in Cluttered Background
A New Credit Scoring Model Based on Prediction of Signal on Graph
Characterizing the impact of using features extracted from pre-trained models on the quality of video captioning sequence-to-sequence models
Prediction of Subsequent Memory Effects using Convolutional Neural Network
Secure Data Transmission of Smart Home Sensor Networks Based on Information Hiding
Differences and Similarities learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
Manifold-based classifier ensembles
PD-DARTS: Progressive Discretization Differentiable Architecture Search
Transformed Network Based on Task-driven
A Blockchain-based Online Game Design Architecture for Performance Issues
Predicting US Elections with Social Media and Neural Networks
Deep Learning
From Pixels to Random Walk Based Segments for Image Time Series Deep Classification
Handwriting and Hand-Sketched Graphics Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Active Learning With Simulated Rationales for Text Classification
License plate Detection and Recognition by Convolutional Neural Networks
Incorporating Human Views into Unsupervised Deep Transfer Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Overview: Research Progress on Pest and Disease Identification
Advanced Data Preprocessing for Detecting Cybercrime in Text-based Online Interactions
A Real-time License-Plate Detection Method using Deep Learning Approaches
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Facial Beauty Prediction Using Transfer Learning and Multi-Task Learning Techniques
CycleGAN-based Image Translation for Near-infrared Camera-trap Image Recognition
Object Detection Based on Sparse Representation of Foreground
An Application and Integration of Machine Learning Approach on a Real IoT Agricultural Scenario
Spatio-temporal stability analysis in Satellite Image Times Series
Overview of Crowd Counting
Rotation-invariant Face Detection with Multi-Task Progressive Calibration Networks
Enlacement and Interlacement Shape Descriptors
Image orientation detection using convolutional neural network
Multi-Layer Cross-Domain Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Cross-Scene Dimension Reduction on Hyperspectral images
A Comprehensive, Unconstrained, License Plate Database
An extended evaluation of the impact of different modules in ST-VQA systems
Computer-aided Wartegg Drawing Completion Test
Medical Imaging and Applications
A Novel ECG Signal Classification Algorithm Based on Common and Specific Components Separation
Sit-To-Stand test for neurodegenerative diseases video classification
A two stage method for abnormality diagnosis of musculoskeletal radiographs
Clinical Decision Support Systems for Predicting Patients Liable to Acquire Acute Myocardial Infarctions
A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Liver MRI Classification and HCC Detection
An Integrated Deep Approach for Lesion Detection in Breast MRI
Single image super-resolution for medical image applications
Forensic Studies and Medical Diagnosis
A Blob Detector Images-Based Method for Counterfeit Coin Detection by Fuzzy Association Rules Mining
Interpreting Deep Glucose Predictive Models for Diabetic People Using the RETAIN Architecture
Abusive Language Detection using BERT Pre-trained Embedding
Classification of criminal news over time using Bidirectional LSTM
End-to-end generative adversarial network for hand-vein recognition
A Survey on Peripheral Blood Smear Analysis Using Deep Learning.

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