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Competition as a Hierarchical Multistage Game
Information Exchange in Price Setting Mixed Duopoly
Reflexive and Epistemic Properties of the Tullock Rent-Seeking Game
Solution of Differential Games with Network Structure in Marketing
Penalty Method for Games of Constraints
Adjustment Dynamics in Network Games with Stochastic Parameters
New Characteristic Function for Cooperative Games with Hypergraph Communication Structure
Minimax Generalized Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Dynamic Bimatrix Games
Analysis of Economic Behaviour in Evolutionary Model of Tax Control under Information Diffusion
Cooperation Enforcing in Multistage Multicriteria Game: New Algorithm and Its Implementation
Complementarity of Goods and Cooperation Among Firms in a Dynamic Duopoly
Cooperative Solutions for the Eurasian Gas Network
Optimal Incentive Strategy in a Continuous Time Inverse Stackelberg Game
The Looking Forward Approach in a Differential Game Model of the Oil Market with Non-Transferable Utility
Cooperative Decision Making in Cooperative Control Systems by Means of Game Theory
Social Inefficiency of Free Entry under the Product Diversity
An Alternative Pursuit Strategy in the Game of Obstacle Tag.

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