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CGI'20 Full Papers
Comparing Physical and Immersive VR Prototypes for Evaluation of an Industrial System User Interface
Gaze-contingent Rendering in Virtual Reality
Hierarchical Rendering System Based on Viewpoint Prediction in Virtual Reality
Reinforcement Learning-Based Redirection Controller for Efficient Redirected Walking in Virtual Maze Environment
Locality-Aware Skinning Decomposition Using Model-Dependent Mesh Clustering
A New Volume-based Convexity Measure for 3D Shapes
Deep Inverse Rendering for Practical Object Appearance Scan with Uncalibrated Illumination
Application of the transfer matrix method to anti-reflective coating rendering
Dynamic Shadow Rendering with Shadow Volume Optimization
Adaptive Illumination Sampling for Direct Volume Rendering
Musical Brush: Exploring Creativity through an AR-based Tool for Sketching Music and Drawings
MR environments constructed for a large indoor physical space
FIOU Tracker: An improved algorithm of IOU Tracker in video with a lot of background inferences
An Approach of Short Advertising Video Generation Using Mobile Phone Assisted by Robotic Arm
Forget the Forget Gate: Estimating Anomalies in Videos using Self-contained Long Short-Term Memory Networks
An Improved Image stitching Method Based on Seed Region Growth and Poisson Fusion
Illumination Harmonization with Gray Mean Scale
An Unsupervised Approach for 3D Face Reconstruction from A Single Depth Image
Fusing IMU Data into SfM for Image-based 3D Reconstruction
Physics-Guided Sound Synthesis for Rotating Blades
Elimination of Incorrect Depth Points for Depth Completion
Pose Transfer of 2D Human Cartoon Characters
Broad-classifier for Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Spatial and Channel-wise Attention
GARNet: Graph Attention Residual Networks Based on Adversarial Learning for 3D Human Pose Estimation
GPU-based Grass Simulation with Accurate Blade Reconstruction
Flow Visualization with Density Control
DbNet: Double-ball Model for Processing Point Clouds
Evolving L-systems in a competitive environment
ParaGlyder: Probe-driven Interactive Visual Analysis for Multiparametric Medical Imaging Data
3D Geology Scene Exploring Base on Hand-Track Somatic Interaction
GHand: A Graph Convolution Network for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
Bézier Curve as a Generalization of the Easing Function in Computer Animation
Generating Orthogonal Voronoi Treemap for Visualization of Hierarchical Data
CGI'20 Short Papers
Preserving Temporal Consistency in Videos Through Adaptive SLIC
Efficient non-fused Winograd on GPUs
ENGAGE Full Papers
Surface Fitting Using Dual Quaternion Control Points with Applications in Human Respiratory Modelling
Deform, Cut and Tear a skinned model using Conformal Geometric Algebra
The Forward and Inverse Kinematics of a Delta Robot
Constrained Dynamics in Conformal and Projective Geometric Algebra
Application of 2D PGA as an subalgebra of CRA in robotics
Outline of tube elbow detection based on GAC
Optimal Parenthesizing of Geometric Algebra Products
Geometric algebra-based multilevel declassification method for geographical field data
Homomorphic Data Concealment Powered by Clifford Geometric Algebra
An Online Calculator for Qubits based on Geometric Algebra
ENGAGE Short Papers
On basis-free solution to Sylvester equation in geometric algebra

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