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Beyond Words: Comparing Structure, Emoji Use, and Consistency Across Social Media Posts
Bot Impacts on Public Sentiment and Community Structures: Comparative Analysis of Three Elections in the Asia-Pacific
Understanding Colonial Legacy and Environmental Issues in Senegal through Language Use
Deploying System Dynamics Models for Disease Surveillance in the Philippines
MDR Cluster-Debias: A Nonlinear Word Embedding Debiasing Pipeline
Modeling Interventions for Insider Threat
Validating Social Media Monitoring: Statistical Pitfalls and Opportunities from Public Opinion
Lying About Lying on Social Media: A Case Study of the 2019 Canadian Elections
Breadth verses depth: the impact of tree structure on cultural influence
Optimizing Attention-Aware Opinion Seeding Strategies
Polarizing Tweets on Climate Change
Characterizing Sociolinguistic Variation in the Competing Vaccination Communities
On Countering Disinformation With Caution: Effective Inoculation Strategies and Others That Backfire Into Community Hyper-Polarization
Homicidal Event Forecasting and Interpretable Analysis using Hierarchical Attention Model
Development of a Hybrid Machine Learning Agent Based Model for Optimization and Interpretability
Canadian Federal Election and Hashtags That Do Not Belong
Group Formation Theory at Multiple Scales
Towards Agent Validation of a Military Cyber Team Performance Simulation
Developing Graph Theoretic Techniques to Identify Amplification and Coordination Activities of Influential Sets of Users
Detecting Online Hate Speech: Approaches Using Weak Supervision and Network Embedding Models
Critical spatial clusters for vaccine preventable diseases
Multi-cause Discrimination Analysis Using Potential Outcomes
Twitter is the Megaphone of Cross-Platform Messaging on the White Helmets
Physiological Signal Embeddings with Nonparametric Hidden Markov Models
The Rise and Fall of Humanitarian Citizen Initiatives: A simulation-based approach
Developing an Epidemiological Model to study Spread of Toxicity on YouTube
Predicting Student Flight Performance with Multimodal Features
A Game-Transformation-based Framework to Understand Initial Conditions and Outcomes in the context of Cyber-enabled Influence Operations (CIOs)
The Human Resource Management Parameter Experimentation Tool
Utilizing Python for Agent-based Modeling: The Mesa Framework
Strategic Information Operation in YouTube: The case of White Helmets
Artifacts of Crisis: Textual Analysis of Euromaidan
Modeling decisions from experience among frequent and infrequent switchers via strategy-based and instance-based models.

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