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Semilattices of punctual numberings
Partial Sums on the Ultra-Wide Word RAM
Securely Computing the $n$-Variable Equality Function with $2n$ Cards 24
Polynomial Kernels for Paw-free Edge Modi cation Problems
Floorplans with Walls
A Primal-Dual Randomized Algorithm for the Online Weighted Set Multi-Cover Problem
Sumcheck-Based Delegation of Quantum Computing to Rational Server
Online Removable Knapsack Problems for Integer-Sized Items
An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Prize-Collecting Red-Blue Median Problem
LP-based Algorithms for Computing Maximum Vertex-Disjoint Paths with Different Colors
A Constant Factor Approximation for Lower-Bounded $k$-Median
Reverse Mathematics, Projective Modules and Invertible Modules
Two-Stage Submodular Maximization Problem Beyond Non-Negative and Monotone
Optimal Matroid Bases with Intersection Constraints: Valuated Matroids, M-convex Functions, and Their Applications
On the complexity of acyclic modules in automata networks.-Eternal Connected Vertex Cover Problem
Parametric Streaming Two-Stage Submodular Maximization
Approximation Guarantees for Deterministic Maximization of Submodular Function with a Matroid Constraint
A Novel Initialization Algorithm for Fuzzy C-means Problems
On the Parameterized Complexity of $d$-Restricted Boolean Net Synthesis
Approximate #Knapsack Computations to Count Semi-Fair Allocations
Characterizations and approximability of hard counting classes below #P
On Existence of Equilibrium Under Social Coalition Structures
Space Complexity of Streaming Algorithms on Universal Quantum Computers
On Coresets for Support Vector Machines
Tractabilities for Tree Assembly Problems
On Characterization of Petrie Partitionable Plane Graphs
Disjunctive Propositional Logic and Scott Domains
Dispersing and Grouping Points on Segments in the Plane
Synchronizing Words and Monoid Factorization: A Parameterized Perspective
Hidden Community Detection on Two-layer Stochastic Models: a Theoretical Perspective
A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Euclidean $k$-Means problem with Penalties
The Complexity of the Partition Coloring Problem
FPT Algorithms for Generalized Feedback Vertex Set Problems
Fixed-order Book Thickness with Respect to Vertex-cover Number: New Observations and Further Analysis
Acyclic edge coloring conjecture is true on planar graphs without intersecting triangles
On Pure Space vs Catalytic Space.

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