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1 PlenaryTalks, T. Kobayashi, Topics on global analysis of manifolds and representation theory of reductive groups
T. Kobayashi and B. Speh, A hidden symmetry of a branching law
I. Todorov, Exceptional quantum algebra for the standard model of particle physics
M. de Leeuw, B. Eden, D. le Plat, and T. Meier, Polylogarithms from the bound state S-matrix
M. Henkel and S. Stoimenov, Meta-conformal invariance and their covariant correlation functions
I. L. Buchbinder, S. Fedoruk, A.P. Isaev, Infinite spin particles and super particles
E. Ivanov, Supersymmetric Calogero-type models via gauging in superspace
I. Kostov, The Octagon form factor in N = 4SYM and free fermions
P. Phillips and G. La Nave, Nother's second theorem as an obstruction to charge quantization
G. W. Semenoff, Entanglement and the Infrared
A.V. Smilga, Comments on the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem
N.I. Stoilova and J. Van der Jeugt, A class of representations of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras B(n,n) and B(∞,∞)
K. Yoshida, Recent progress on Yang-Baxter deformation and generalized supergravity
G. Manolakos, P. Manousselis and G. Zoupanos, Gauge Theories on Fuzzy Spaces and Gravity
String Theories and Gravity Theories, D. Benisty, E. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov, and S. Pacheva, Modified Gravity Theories Based on the Non-Canonical Volume-Form Formalism
A. Marrani, Non-linear symmetries in Maxwell-Einstein gravity:from Freudenthal duality to pre-homogeneous vector spaces
H. Partouche and B. de Vaulchier, Phase transitions at high supersymmetry breaking scale in string theory
F. Riccioni, Exotic branes and exotic dualities in supergravity
H. Dimov, R.C. Rashkov and T. Vetsov, Thermodynamic information geometry and applications in holography
D. Staicova, The role of the slope in the multi-measure cosmological model
D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman and J. Struckmeier, Gauge theory of gravity based on the correspondence between the 1st and the 2nd order formalisms
3 IntegrableSystems, C. Burdik and O. Navratil, Nested Bethe Ansatz for RTT-algebra of Uq(sp(2n)) type
O. Vaneeva, O. Magda and A. Zhalij, Equivalence groupoid and enhanced group classification of a class of generalized Kawahara equations
C. Rim, Interplay between minimal gravity and intersection theory
Y. Ohkubo, Generalized Macdonald functions, AGT correspondence and intertwiners of DIM algebra
4 Representation Theory, W. M. McGovern, Closures of K-orbits in the flag variety for Sp(2n,R)
I. Smilga, Action of the restricted Weyl group on the L-invariant vectors of a representation
E. Ongong'a, J. Ongaro, S. Silvestrov, Hom-Lie structures on complex 4-dimensional Lie algebras
V.K. Dobrev, Multiplet classification and invariant differential operators over the Lie algebra F′4
A. Langlois-Remillard and R. Oste, An exceptional symmetry algebra for the 3D Dirac-Dunkl operator
J. Hrivnak and L. Motlochova, Graphene dots via discretizations of Weyl-orbit functions
T. Hayashi, A construction of (g,K)-modules over commutative rings
I. Barza and D. Ghisa, Lie groups actions on non orientable Klein surface
5 Quantum Groups and Deformations, T. Popov, Quantum diagonal algebra and pseudo-plactic algebra
M. Nesterenko and S. Posta, Contractions of realizations
P. Back, Multi-parameter formal deformations of ternary hom-Nambu-Lie algebras
6 Applications to Quantum Theory, S. Stoimenov and M. Henkel, Meta-conformal invariance in the directed Glauber-Ising chain
I. Salom and V. Dmitrasinovic, Relativistic three-body harmonic oscillator
J. Mashford, An introduction to spectral regularization for quantum field theory
M. Hewitt, Relative quantum states, observations and moduli stacks
M. Blasone, P. Jizba and L. Smaldone, Dynamical generation of flavour vacuum
O.C. Stoica, A representation of the wave-function on 3-dimensional space
Various Mathematical Results, J. Fullwood, On a Grothendieck-Brieskorn relation for elliptic Calabi-Yaus
A. Ganchev, Control and composability in deep learning -brief overview by a learner
C. Anghel, N. Buruiana and D. Cheptea, Lie theory and infinitesimal extensions in algebraic geometry
J. Ecker, The low-dimensional algebraic cohomology of the Witt and the Virasoro algebra with values in general tensor densities modules
P. Benito and J. Roldan-Lopez, Derivations and automorphisms of free nilpotent Lie algebras and their quotients.

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