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The tortoise and the hare
Component: The rock/sediment type
Component: The structural form
Mechanisms that impart change to landscapes
Forcing variable: The tectonic system
Forcing variable: The climatic system
Forcing variables: Sea level and isostasy
Interaction of tectonics, climate, and time
Unconsolidated sediment
Nearly flat-lying sedimentary layers
Crystalline-cored mid-continent anticlines and domes
Foreland fold-and-thrust belts
Crystalline deformation belts
Yound volcanic rocks of the cordillera
Normal fault-dominated landscapes
Cascadia volcanic arc system
Californiaa transpressional system
The story of the Grand Canyon
Early theories on the origin of mountain belts
Keys to the interpretation of geological history
Tectonic style, rock successions, and tectonic provinces
Formation, collapse, and erosonal decay of mountain systems
The Appalachian orogenic belt: An example of compressional mountain building
The cordilleran orogenic belt.

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