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The Iraq War and international law : by way of an introduction / Andrew Williams
The Iraq War, international law and the search for legal accountability / Phil Shiner
The challenges of counter-proliferation : law and policy of the Iraq intervention / Daniel H Joyner
The Iraq War : issues of international humanitarian law and international criminal law / Nicholas Grief
International criminal law and Iraq / Andrew Williams
Complicity before the international criminal tribunals and jurisdiction over Iraq / William A Schabas
The continuing occupation? Issues of joint and several liability and effective control / Christine Chinkin
A plurality of responsible actors : international responsibility for acts of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq / Stefan Talmon
Justiciability in the areas of foreign relations and defence / Rabinder Singh
Responsibility for troops abroad : UN-mandated forces and issues of human rights accountability / Keir Starmer
How will the European Court of Human Rights deal with the UK in Iraq? Lessons from Turkey and Russia / Bill Bowring
The future for international law after Iraq / Nigel Rodley
Between hope and despair : the Iraq War and international law futures? / Jayan Nayar.

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