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Introduction: American Women's Literary Autobiography in the Depression-Era Marketplace
The Artist's Soul or the Woman's Life: Renunciation in Edith Wharton's A Backward Glance and Grace King's Memories of a Southern Woman of Letters
Daring Denunciations: Celebrity Drama in Gertrude Atherton's Adventures of a Novelist and Margaret Anderson's My Thirty Year's War
Refusing Nostalgia, Denying Desire: Didactic Activism in the Autobiographies of Margaret Deland and Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Women of Vision: Pioneering Collaborations in Mary Austin's Earth Horizon and Harriet Monroe's A Poet's Life
American Everywomen: Middlebrow Professionalism in Mary Roberts Rinehart's My Story and Edna Ferber's A Peculiar Treasure
Strategic Diversions: The Veiled Autobiographies of Gertrude Stein and Carolyn Wells
Epilogue: Portraits of the Artist as an Old Woman.

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