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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Chapter 1: About Raspberry Pi
About Raspberry Pi
The History of the Raspberry Pi
About Raspberry Pi 4
Raspberry Pi 4 Accessories
Introduction to the Operating System
Windows 10 IoT
About Windows 10 IoT Core
Installing the Raspbian Operating System
Using the Raspberry Pi Imager
Manually Downloading the Image and Writing
Using NOOBS to Install the OS
Chapter 2: Configuring Your Raspberry Pi
Enabling SSH

Enabling Wi-Fi Configuration
Checking Whether the Pi Is Connected to Wi-Fi
Connecting the Raspberry Pi via SSH
Chapter 3: Setting Up the Prerequisites to Develop the Application
Developing the Application
Using WSL
WSL vs. WSL2
Installing WSL
Installing the Linux Distribution
Setting Up the Connection to Raspberry Pi
Installing .NET Core on Ubuntu
Chapter 4: Creating and Deploying a .NET Core Application to Raspberry Pi
Creating a .NET Core Application
Installing Visual Studio Code Remote WSL Extension
Rewriting the Application

Deploying the App to Raspberry Pi
The Name Attribute
The Request Attribute
The Type Attribute
The Rsync Attribute
Variables in VSCode
Debugging the App from Raspberry Pi
Chapter 5: Playing with Azure IoT Hub and Our Application
Using Azure IoT Hub
Creating an Azure IoT Hub
Using Azure Cloud Shell
Using Azure Portal
Registering a Device in the IoT Hub
Connecting Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub
Monitoring the Device Data and IoT Hub
Adding Custom Event Message Properties
Chapter 6: Finally, A Windows Terminal That You Can Customize

Using Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal Key Features
Support for Multiple Tabs
Support for Emojis, Icons, and More
Configuring Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal Preview Version
Open Folders in Windows Terminal
Font Weight Support
Support to Open a Profile as a Pane
Change the Tab Color
Rename a Tab
Chapter 7: Cloud to Device Communication
Cloud-to-Device Communication Options
Direct Methods
Creating a Backend Application To Call the Direct Method
Twin's Desired Properties
Reported Property
Desired Property
Cloud-to-Device Messages

Sending the Cloud-to-Device Message
Receiving the Cloud-to-Device Message and Sending Feedback
Receiving Feedback from the Device
Demo Application
Chapter 8: IoT Edge
IoT Edge
IoT Edge Runtime
IoT Edge Modules
Capabilities of IoT Edge Runtime
Creating an IoT Edge Device
Installing IoT Edge Runtime on Linux Systems
Deploying a Module to IoT Edge Device
Viewing Sent Messages
Chapter 9: Developing IoT Edge Modules
Setting Up VSCode
Creating an Azure Container Registry
Creating a New Project

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