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History and the current state of a public-private partnership in Russia
Concession agreements in the Russian Empire
History of concessions in the USSR.Evolution of approaches to PPP in modern history of the Russian Federation
Infrastructure gaps and investment needs. Current state and key trends of PPP development
Regulatory and legal framework of PPP in Russia. Forms of PPP in Russian practices
Common and special legislation on PPP. Comparative analysis of Federal Law on Concessions (Law-115) and Federal Law on Public-Private and Municipal-Private Partnerships (Law-224)
Organizational and Legal Forms of PPP. Concessions, PPP Agreements, Alternative or "Quasi"-PPPs
PPP governance in Russia
Strategic planning in Russia. Transition to formation of long-term infrastructure plans.-PPP governance at the federal and regional level
Instruments of government support for PPP projects
Project management. Life cycle of a PPP project.Key stages and tasks
Preparation and assessment of PPP projects.-Selection of a private partner for PPP project implementation. Launch of PPP projects under "unsolicited proposal" (private initiative)
Commercial and financial closure.Monitoring and control of PPP projects implementation .

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