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Chapter 1. Archaeology, Architecture, and the Postcolonial Critique (Jessica L. Nitschke)
Chapter 2. Architecture and Gender: The Lexicon in Building Archaeology (Marta Lorenzon)
Chapter 3. Boats, Burials, and Beehives: Seeking the Subaltern in the Fortifications at Isthmia, Greece (Jon M. Frey)
Chapter 4. Postcolonial Manifestations of African Spatiality in Europe: The Invisible 'Public' Spaces of Ghent (Luce Beeckmans)
Chapter 5. "No Houses and Skin Garments, Sheep, Poultry and Fruits of the Earth": Aboriginal Australia, Narratives of Human History, and the Built Environment (Martin Porr)
Chapter 6. Colonial Pasts and Neocolonial Presents: The Monumental Arch of Palmyra and so-called Roman Architecture in the Near East (Jessica L. Nitschke)
Chapter 7. The Archaeology of Remembering: Colonial Specters and the Processes of Repackaging the Materiality of Violence, Displacement, and Disenfranchisement (Vuyiswa Lupuwana)
Chapter 8. Multicultural Burial Spaces and Cities: Constructing Identity and Memory with Postcolonial Kuala Lumpur Chinese Cemeteries (Yat-Ming Loo)
Chapter 9. Conserve the Sacred: The Profound Needs of the Indigenous Communities of Arica y Parinacota, Chile (Magdalena Pereira Campos).

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