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Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
1: Uncle Tom's Cabin
2: Uncle Tom and Eva
3: Minstrel Show Tom
4: Vaudeville Tom
5: Aunt Jemima in Chicago
6: Rastus
7: The Reconstruction of Uncle Tom
8: Sambo and Uncle Remus
9: Sleeping Car Porters and Uncle Ben
10: Topsy-Turvy Dolls and Shirley Temple
11: Uncle Tom on the Big Screen
12: Amos 'n' Andy
13: Song of the South and Uncle Remus's Return
14: Uncle Tom's 1960s Transformation
15: Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier
16: The Anti-Tom
17: Good Times' Coonfoolery

18: Uncle Tom and Black Capitalism
19: The 1980s, Bill Cosby, and Smokescreen Toms
20: A Politically Correct Uncle Tom and an In-Your-Face Topsy
21: Advertising Black Buddies
22: Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima 2.0
23: O.J. Simpson, A Passing Uncle
24: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Black Political Power
Conclusion: The Immortal Uncle Tom
Selected Bibliography
Image Credits
About the Author

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