Boston : Printed by Mein and Fleeming, and sold by J. Mein at the London Book Store, north side of King-Street, MDCCLCVII. [1767]
New-York : Printed by Mills and Hicks, and sold at their office in Queen-Street; and by Berry and Rogers, in Hanover-Square, [1780]
New-York : Printed by John Buel, for E. Duyckinck, and Co. Pearl-Street, M,DCC,XVI [i.e., 1796]
Philadelphia : Printed and sold by John M'Culloch, no. 1, North Third-Street, [1800]
Boston : Printed by Tho. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, near the town-house, where all sorts of printing work may be had well done and cheap. Also merchants, shopkeepers and others may be supplied with psalters, Psalm-books, primers, catechisms, pocket-books, and most other comon and saleable books; as also blanks of all sorts, and new almanacks for the year 1724, at very reasonable rates, 1723.
Printed in Boston : for Joseph Belknap, no. 8 Dock-Square, and Thomas Hall, in State-Street. Sold by them, by the author and M. Smith, Sterling, and by the booksellers. Price 40s. a groce,--4s. a dozen--6d single, [1794]
New-York : Printed and sold by John Harrisson, (Yorick's Head) no. 3, Peck-Slip, --1795--