Bath : printed and sold by W. Gye, and to be had of the booksellers in town and country, [1800?]
London : printed by J. W. Myers, No. 2, Paternoster-Row, for West and Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster-Row; and C. Chapple, No. 66, Pall-Mall, 1800.
Taunton : printed by and for Thomas Norris, White-Lion-Court; and sold by Carpenter and Co. 14, Old Bond-Street; E. Newbery, St. Paul's Churchyard; Hurst and Co. Paternoster-Row, London; Meyler, Bath; Sheppard, Bristol; Collins, Salisbury; Norris, and Poole, Taunton; and all other booksellers, [1800]