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1 ASA Statement on Statistical Significance and p-Values
1.1 ASA Statement on Statistical Significance and p-Values
1.1.1 Guide to the Online Supplemental Material to the ASA Statement on p-Values and Statistical Significance
1.1.2 Supplemental Material to the ASA Statement on p-Values and Statistical Significance
1.2 ASA Statement on Statistical Significance and p-Values
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 What Is a p-Value?
1.2.3 Principles
1.2.4 Other Approaches
1.2.5 Conclusion

A Brief p-Values and Statistical Significance Reference List
2 A Poverty of Imagination: The New Dogmatic Cult of Empiricism in Psychology
3 p-Values Less Than 0.05 in Psychology: What is Going on?
3.1 Results and Discussion
3.1.1 Reported p-Values
3.1.2 Recalculated When Reported p == 0.05
3.1.3 Recalculated p-Values
3.1.4 Applied to Data of Eight Psychology Journals
3.2 Conclusions
Works Cited
4 Statistical Significance and Leadership: Measure of Value or Misleading Number?
4.1 Leadership
Traditional to Modern
4.2 Measuring Leadership

4.3 Complex Crises and Leadership
4.4 Statistical Significance in Research and Leadership
4.5 Measuring Leadership: Alternatives to Statistical Significance
4.6 Conclusion
5 Scholar-Practitioners: Ethics and the Meaning of Numbers
5.1 Understanding a Scholar-Practitioner
5.2 Defining the Scholar-Practitioner
5.3 Code of Ethics for the Scholar-Practitioner
5.4 Conclusion
6 Everyday Statistics: A Story of the Meteorologist, the Football Coach, the Gambler, and the Student
6.1 What Is a Chance of Rain Anyways?

6.2 How the Greatest American Football Coach Fumbled,Thanks to Statistics
6.3 The Weather, the Archer, and a Coach
6.4 Hail Mary, Full of Grace
6.5 Everyday Statistics
7 The Use and Misuse of Statistics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Lies
7.3 Damn Lies
7.4 Statistics
7.5 Conclusion
8 The Principle of Predictive Irrelevance or Why IntervalsShould Not be Used for Model Comparison Featuring a Point Null Hypothesis
8.1 The Principle of Predictive Irrelevance
8.2 The Magician's Coin
8.3 The Bent Coin

8.3.1 Normalized Maximum Likelihood Solution
8.3.2 Bayes Factor Solution
8.3.3 Credible Interval Solution
8.4 Generalization: Maximally Uninformative Data Sequences
8.4.1 Test of a Binomial Rate Parameter
8.4.2 Test of a Normal Mean
8.4.3 The Conflict Explained Credible Intervals Confidence Intervals P-Values
8.5 Concluding Comments
Appendix A
Appendix A
Maximally Uninformative Data (MUD) Sequences
MUD Sequence for the Test of a Binomial Rate Parameter
MUD Sequence for the Test of a Normal Mean
Appendix B
Appendix B

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