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Chapter 1 Introduction to the flipped classroom
Chapter 2 Design Considerations
Chapter 3 Technology in the flipped classroom
Chapter 4 Assessing Flipped Classrooms
Chapter 5 Reflective and reflexive practice in the flipped classroom
Chapter 6 Case Study Framework
Chapter 7 Designing an active learning environment architecture within a flipped classroom for developing first student engineers
Chapter 8 Experiences with "Flipping" an Introductory Mechanical Design Course
Chapter 9 Inclusive STEM: Closing the learning loop
Chapter 10 Flipping on a shoestring: A case study of Engineering Mechanics at the University of Technology
Chapter 11 Design, Deployment and Evaluation of a Flipped Learning First Year Engineering Course
Chapter 12 Flipped classes: Drivers for change, transition and implementation
Chapter 13 A Technology Enabled Flipped Classroom Model
Chapter 14 Flipping a Postgraduate Classroom: Experience from Griffith University
Chapter 15 Flipping the learning of subdivision design for Surveying students
Chapter 16 Flipping a collaborative classroom to gain deeper understanding of the health system
Chapter 17 Implications for pedagogy: Flipping the classroom to engage pre-service teachers
Chapter 18 Flipped Tutorials in Business Courses.

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