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Table of Contents
Foreword / by Donald D. Deshler
Foreword / by John Hattie
Introduction and conceptual framework
Book and chapter organization
Audiences/recipients for feedback
Immediate vs. delayed feedback
How we give feedback
Exhibiting feedback and the four domains of the G.E.T. model
Exhibiting feedback : reflecting and planning
The rationale for teaching feedback
Teaching feedback in instruction
Teaching feedback in assessment
Teaching feedback to support students' behavioral needs
Teaching feedback and collaboration
Comprehensive review of the literature on feedback in special education teacher preparation
Templates and additional opportunities to apply the G.E.T. model.
Foreword / by John Hattie
Introduction and conceptual framework
Book and chapter organization
Audiences/recipients for feedback
Immediate vs. delayed feedback
How we give feedback
Exhibiting feedback and the four domains of the G.E.T. model
Exhibiting feedback : reflecting and planning
The rationale for teaching feedback
Teaching feedback in instruction
Teaching feedback in assessment
Teaching feedback to support students' behavioral needs
Teaching feedback and collaboration
Comprehensive review of the literature on feedback in special education teacher preparation
Templates and additional opportunities to apply the G.E.T. model.