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Table of Contents
The evolving role of the federal government in helping the lowest-performing schools
"If you can turn around Buffalo, you can turn around anything"
State takeovers and the complexities of policy making for the lowest-performing school districts and schools
An alternative form of state takeover: the special state district for low-performing schools
Technical assistance and training
Choice, community action, and closure
One best way to leave no child behind
Local innovation and options: a better prescription?
Developing district capacity to support school turnarounds
Reviewing an equivocal verdict
Thinking about the path ahead.
"If you can turn around Buffalo, you can turn around anything"
State takeovers and the complexities of policy making for the lowest-performing school districts and schools
An alternative form of state takeover: the special state district for low-performing schools
Technical assistance and training
Choice, community action, and closure
One best way to leave no child behind
Local innovation and options: a better prescription?
Developing district capacity to support school turnarounds
Reviewing an equivocal verdict
Thinking about the path ahead.