

Reasons for Research
Some Prior Perspectives
"The Groves of Academe"
Previous Research
2. Problem and the Method 26
Unit of Study
Interview Schedule
Entree and Acceptance
Coding and Tabulation
3. How the Vacancies Occur 40
Mobility and Academic Rank
Mobility and Age
Mobility and Institutional Prestige
Involuntary Termination
Voluntary Termination
Lure of Money
Information Screens
After Departure
Collaboration and Isolation
Outside Offer
A Theoretical Digression
Hazards of Interaction
4. How Performance Is Evaluated 81
"Publish or Perish"
Career Curve
Labels and Markings
5. Strategy of the Department 94
Offers and Counter-offers
Matter of Salary
Impact of Departure
Department's Prestige
Prestige Exchanges
6. Procedures of Recruitment 109
Open and Closed Hiring
Process in Practice
Festina Lente
Some Recruiting Agents
Hiring Procedures in Perspective
Merits of Candidates
Decision-making Procedure
Hazards of the Market
Signing and Sealing
7. Patterns of Choice 138
Rules of Budgeting
Specification of Duties
Decline of Teaching
Motives for Migration
Supplementary Opportunities
8. Selecting the Replacement 158
Who Is the Fairest?
Supply and Demand
Impact of Replacements
Personnel Poker
Seniority and Merit
9. Academic Government and the Personnel Process 182
Who Participates in Faculty Recruiting?
Some Perspectives on Participation
Stresses Within Departments
Stresses Between Department Members and Chairmen
Stresses Between Deans and Departments
Stresses Between Deans and Higher Administration
Resolution of Stresses
Some Observations on Power in Universities
10. Current Trends in the Marketplace 209
Problems of the Individual Scholar
Problems of the University Administration.

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