

The following report presents the initial design, simulation, and construction of a deployable and retractable solar array mechanism for satellite applications. Most small satellites such as CubeSats, do not incorporate the use of deployable and retractable solar arrays, but these could add increased versatility while on mission. This report also discusses multiple other projects that are like the one that the team is going to design. These reports helped the team understand what is needed to have a successful project and where they went wrong in their designs and executions. First, the initial concepts are shown, and the final selection is discussed. Analyses of the two main subsystems, a compound gear train, and a scissor linkage mechanism are given. A prototype was constructed, and testing was attempted, however issues with the gear train were uncovered and attempted to mend with no success. The project resulted in a design that shows potential for success by calculation and simulation but was not implemented well ending in a nonfunctional prototype.




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