

Cresline Plastic Pipe Company has become concerned with possible human factor design problems in the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe compounding operation. PVC compounding is the addition of minor ingredients to the PVC raw resin to prevent the PVC from degrading and to aid in process control during extrusion. Cresline is currently in the process of increasing the production rate of the PVC compounding operation. An ergonomic study was performed to evaluate current and potential human factor problems. The main focus of the ergonomic study deals with the mixer attendant who manually adds the minor ingredients to the PVC resin. The study evaluates work height levels, vision angles, wrist orientation and manual lifting requirements of the mixer attendant. A revised work area and work flow pattern are developed for the compounding operation. The revised work area is evaluated as it relates to work conditions and with respect to actual cost, also the effects of change in the work area as it relates to the mixer attendant.




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