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Chapter 1. Active Citizenship, Lifelong Learning and Inclusion: introduction to concepts and contexts
Chapter 2. Active citizenship programmes for unemployed young adults with low skills in Southern Europe: participation, outreach, and barriers
Chapter 3. Active Participatory Citizenship for and with Young Adults in Situations of Risk
on the cover and under-cover
Chapter 4. Social inclusion, participation and citizenship in contexts of neoliberalism: examples of adult education policy and practice with young people in the UK, the Netherlands and Ireland
Chapter 5. How are the Prospects for Refugees to Become Active Members of Society?
The Vision and Practices in Turkish Adult Education
Chapter 6. Adult education as a means to social inclusion in Nordic welfare states: Denmark, Finland and Sweden
Chapter 7. Promising or compelling future in Hungary?
Chapter 8. Transforming adult education from neo-liberal to holistically inclusive adult education in Baltic states
Chapter 9. Conclusion: Divergences or convergences? Facilitating active citizenship through adult education across Europe and beyond.

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