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Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Families, Life Courses and the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Disadvantage in Australia
Chapter 3. Early Years and Disadvantage: Matching Developmental Circumstances in Populations to Prevention and Intervention Opportunities
Chapter 4. Cultural Identity and Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
Chapter 5. Refugee Children in Australia: Well-being and Integration
Chapter 6. Adolescence a Period of Vulnerability and Risk for Adverse Outcomes across the Life Course: The Role of Parent Engagement in Learning
Chapter 7. Differences in Higher Education Access, Participation and Outcomes by Socioeconomic Background: A Life Course Perspective
Chapter 8. Emerging Adulthood in Australia: How is this Stage Lived?
Chapter 9. Labour Market Participation: Family and Work Challenges across the Life Course
Chapter 10. Marriage Matters. Or Does it?
Chapter 11. Parenthood: Disrupting the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Disadvantage
Chapter 12. Intergenerational Processes of Disadvantage in the Lives of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Australians: From Relationships with Parents to Parenting Expectations
Chapter 13. Ageing and Loneliness: A Life Course and Cumulative Disadvantage Approach
Chapter 14. Influencing Social Policy on Families Through Research in Australia
Chapter 15 Emerging Directions and New Challenges.

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