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Preface and Acknowledgements
About This Book
About the Author
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Weather, Climate and the Water Vapor
1.2 Satellite Microwave Radiometry of the Atmosphere
1.2.1 What Do We See?
1.2.2 Where Do We See?
1.2.3 When Do We See?
1.2.4 What Don't We See?
1.2.5 A Broader View in Conclusion
2 Why Satellite Radiothermovision?
2.1 Elements of Mesoscale and Synoptic Atmospheric Dynamics
2.1.1 Mesoscale and Synoptic Atmospheric Processes
2.1.2 Mesoscale: Tropical Cyclones

2.1.3 Synoptic Scale: Atmospheric Rivers
2.1.4 Planetary Scale: Global Atmospheric Circulation
2.1.5 The Commonality of Research Objects of Various Scales in the Context of Satellite Radiothermovision
2.2 Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere in Short
2.2.1 Brief Historical Overview
2.2.2 Present State
2.3 Instruments and Data to Our Service
2.4 The Idea of "Dynamic" Data Analysis
2.5 Concluding Remarks to this Chapter
3 Fundamentals of Satellite Radiothermovision
3.1 Physical Foundations
3.2 Mathematical Apparatus

3.2.1 Optical Flow Analysis Problem
3.2.2 Optical Flow Analysis in Earth Remote Sensing Problems
3.2.3 The Bases of the Satellite Radiothermovision Approach
3.3 Algorithms and Software Realization
3.3.1 Constructing Reference Fields: Transformation to a Regular Grid
3.3.2 Constructing Reference Fields: Lacunae Stapling
3.3.3 Spatiotemporal Interpolation
3.3.4 Some Brief Notes on Software Implementation
3.4 Accuracy Analysis
3.5 Iterative Extension of the Basic Scheme: A Multisensory Approach
3.6 New Opportunities in the Remote Sensing

3.6.1 Joint Analysis of Independent Satellite Measurements
3.6.2 Ensuring Spatial Connectivity of Fragmented Observations
3.6.3 The Study of Vector Fields of Advection
3.6.4 Calculation of the Integral Characteristics of Mass and Energy Transfer
3.7 Concluding Remarks to this Chapter
4 Satellite Radiothermovision of Tropical Cyclones
4.1 Energy Characteristics and Energy Balance of a Tropical Cyclone
4.1.1 Tropical Cyclone Energy Characteristics
4.1.2 Tropical Cyclone Energy Balance Factors
4.2 General Characteristics of the Data Used and Analysis Methods

4.3 Evolution of Tropical Cyclones in the Field of Total Precipitable Water
4.4 Complex Analysis in the Fields of Several Geophysical Parameters
4.5 Expanding the Approach for Exploring a System of Interacting Typhoons
4.6 Concluding Remarks to this Chapter
5 Satellite Radiothermovision of Atmospheric Rivers
5.1 Problems of Detecting Atmospheric Rivers
5.1.1 Data Gaps
5.1.2 Setting Detection Criteria
5.1.3 Advection Field Accounting
5.1.4 Satellite Data Synchronization
5.2 Synthesis of an Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers

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