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Chapter 1. Introduction (Paolo Turrini et al.)
Part 1. Water Resources and Their Use and Management in Italy
Chapter 2. Water Resources of Italy (Marcello Benedini, Giuseppe Rossi)
Chapter 3. Coping with Floods in Italy: Learning from the Past to Plan Future Adaptation (Renzo Rosso)
Chapter 4. The Uses and Value of Water in Italy: Evidence from Selected Case Studies in Italy, with a Particular Focus on Irrigation, Industry and Hydropower (Giulia Vaglietti et al.)
Chapter 5. Testing the Waters: A Sociological Analysis of Domestic Water Use and Consumption (Filippo Oncini, Francesca Forno)
Chapter 6. Water Resources Management in Italy: Institutions, Laws and Approaches (Emanuele Boscolo)
Part 2. Water Management and Environmental Concerns
Chapter 7. Water-Dependent Ecosystems in Italy (Riccardo Santolini et al.)
Chapter 8. Water Quality Control Policies and the Criminalisation of Pollution (Giovanni De Santis, Matteo Fermeglia)
Chapter 9. Managing Water Scarcity and Droughts: The Po Experience (Antonio Massarutto, Dario Musolino)
Chapter 10. The Management of International River Basins: The Case of Transboundary Water Cooperation Between Italy and Its Neighbours (Mara Tignino, Benedetta Gambatesa)
Chapter 11. The Italian Virtual Water Trade and Water Footprint of Agricultural Production: Trends and Perspectives (Stefania Tamea et al.)
Part. 3. The Provision of Water and Sanitation Services
Chapter 12. The Human Right to Water in Italy's Foreign Policy and Domestic Law (Paolo Turrini, Marco Pertile)
Chapter 13. The Permanent (De- ) Institutionalisation of Multi-Level Governance of Water Services in Italy (Giulio Citroni, Andrea Lippi)
Chapter 14. The Integrated Water Service in the Italian Legal System Between Solidarity and Competition: An Overview (Vera Parisio)
Chapter 15. The Evolution of the Italian Water and Wastewater Industry in the Period 1994-2018 (Donato Berardi et al.)
Part 4. The Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and the EU Floods Directive
Chapter 16. Water Governance in Italy: From Fragmentation to Coherence Through Coordination Attempts (Mariachiara Alberton)
Chapter 17. A Practitioners's View on the Application of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive in Italy (Marta Martinengo et al.)
Chapter 18. Economic Regulation, Water Pricing, and Environmental and Resource Costs: The Difficult Marriage Between Financial Sustainability, Investment Requirements and Economic Efficiency (Antonio Massarutto)
Chapter 19. Environmental and Resource Costs Assessment and the Case for Reforming the Italian System of Water Abstraction Charges (Vito Frontuto et al.)
Chapter 20. Public Participation in the Implementation in Italy of the Water-Related Directives (Elena Fasoli et al.)
Part 5. Conclusion: A View on Italy from Within and from the Outside
Chapter 21. A View from the Outside: What Italy Can Learn and Teach in the Field of Water Policy
Chapter 22. A View from Within: Concluding Remarks.

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