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The standard coherent states of quantum mechanics
The Weyl-Heisenberg group and the coherent states of arbitrary profile
The coherent states of the Harmonic Oscillator
From Schrödinger to Fock-Bargmann representation
Weyl quantization and coherent states: Classical and Quantum observables
Wigner function
Coherent states and operator norm estimates
Product rule and applications
Husimi functions, frequency sets and propagation
The Wick and anti-Wick quantization
The generalized coherent states in the sense of Perelomov
The SU(1,1) coherent states: Definition and properties
The squeezed states
The SU(2) coherent states
The quantum quadratic Hamiltonians: The propagator of quadratic quantum Hamiltonians
The metaplectic transformations
The propagation of coherent states
Representation of the Weyl symbols of the metaplectic operators
The semiclassical evolution of coherent states
The van Vleck and Hermann-Kluk approximations
The semiclassical Gutzwiller trace formula using coherent states decomposition
The hydrogen atom coherent states: Definition and properties
The localization around Kepler orbits
The quantum singular oscillator: The two-body case
The N-body case.

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