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Series Editor Foreword
1 Empirical Translation Process Research
1.1 Size of Data Collection
1.2 Higher Sampling Rates, New Measures, and Theories
1.3 Translation Technology
2 Structure of the Volume
2.1 Translation Technology, Quality, and Effort
2.1.1 Chapter "Editing Actions: A Missing Link Between Translation Process Research and Machine Translation Research" by Félix do Carmo
2.1.2 Chapter "Word-Based Human Edit Rate (WHER) as an Indicator of Post-editing Effort" by Jie Huang and Michael Carl

2.1.3 Chapter "What Do You Say? Comparison of Metrics for Post-editing Effort" by Cristina Cumbreño and Nora Aranberri
2.1.4 Chapter "Measuring Effort in Subprocesses of Subtitling: The Case of Post-editing via Pivot Language" by Anke Tardel
2.2 Translation and Entropy
2.2.1 Chapter "Information and Entropy Measures of Rendered Literal Translation" by Michael Carl
2.2.2 Chapter "redBird: Rendering Entropy Data and ST-Based Information into a Rich Discourse on Translation" by Haruka Ogawa, Devin Gilbert, and Samar Almazroei

2.2.3 Chapter "Entropy and Eye Movement: A Micro-analysis of Information Processing in Activity Units During the Translation Process" by Yuxiang Wei
2.2.4 Chapter "Analyzing the Effects of Lexical Cognates on Translation Properties: A Multi-variate Product- and Process-Based Approach" by Arndt Heilmann and Carme Llorca-Bofí
2.3 Translation Segmentation and Translation Difficulty
2.3.1 Chapter "Micro Units and the First Translational Response Universal" by Michael Carl

2.3.2 Chapter "Metrics of Syntactic Equivalence to Assess Translation Difficulty" by Bram Vanroy, Orphée De Clercq, Arda Tezcan, Joke Daems, and Lieve Macken
2.3.3 Chapter "Using a Product Metric to Identify Differential Cognitive Effort in Translation from Japanese to English and Spanish" by Isabel Lacruz, Haruka Ogawa, Rika Yoshida, Masaru Yamada, and Daniel Ruiz Martinez
2.3.4 Chapter "Translating Chinese Neologisms Without Knowledge of Context: An Exploratory Analysis of an Eye-Tracking and Key-Logging Experiment" by Jinjin Chen
2.4 Translation Process Research and Post-cognitivism

2.4.1 Chapter "Computation and Representation in Cognitive Translation Studies" by Michael Carl
2.4.2 Chapter "Translation Norms, Translation Behavior, and Continuous Vector Space Models" by Michael Carl
2.4.3 Chapter "A Radical Embodied Perspective on the Translation Process" by Michael Carl
About the Book
About the Contributors
Part I Translation Technology, Quality and Effort
Editing Actions: A Missing Link Between Translation Process Research and Machine Translation Research
1 Introduction
2 Editing as a Research Subject

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