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Praise for The Future of the Gulf Region: Value Change and Global Cycles
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1 Introduction: Factors Affecting the Gulf's Future
1.1 What This Book Is All About
1.2 Gulf Studies: General Perspectives on Current Research on the Subject
1.2.1 The Gulf Countries-An Attempt at Regional Integration
1.2.2 Gulf Security
1.2.3 The GCC-The Balance Sheet of the Integration Process
1.2.4 The Gulf and Comparative Regional Integration

1.3 Introducing a "UNDP Perspective": Focusing on Inequality and Still Existing Restrictive Gender Norms
2 Methodology and Data for Assessing the Effects of Global Cycles and Value Change on the Future of the Gulf Region
2.1 Introduction to the Methodology and Data for the Study of the Factors Affecting the Gulf's Future: Global Cycles and Value Change
2.2 Statistical Methods for the Study of the Factors Affecting the Gulf's Future
2.3 Time Series Analysis in Chaps. 3 and 4
2.4 Methods of Time Series Analyses in Chaps. 3 and 4

2.5 The Survey Data Used from Chaps. 5-8
2.5.1 Arab Opinion Index
2.5.2 PEW Spring Surveys
2.5.3 World Values Survey
2.5.4 Arab Barometer
2.5.5 The ADL-100 Index of Global Antisemitism
2.6 UNDP-type Index Construction
2.7 Indicators Based on Advanced Multivariate Methodology
2.8 Value and Development Accounting for the Gulf Region
2.9 Predictors of Antisemitism
2.10 Accounting for Value Change Across Generations
3 COVID-19 and the Contours of the Impending Global Crisis: Western Meltdown, Gulf Fallout?

3.1 Introduction to COVID-19 and the Contours of the Impending Global Crisis
3.2 COVID-19 and the Current Global Crisis
3.3 "The Pandemic Is Expected to Leave Lasting Economic Scars" (World Bank, 2021): What the World Can Learn from Past Pandemics
3.4 What the World Can Learn from the Great Depression
3.5 What the World Can Learn from the End of the Soviet Union and "Real Socialism" in Eastern Europe
3.6 What the World Can Learn from the 2008/2009 Crisis
3.7 The Geostrategic Implications of the 2008/2009: Now, There Is Worse to Come

3.8 How Well Prepared Are the Gulf Countries?
3.9 "The Pandemic Is Expected to Leave Lasting Economic Scars" (World Bank, 2021): Public Health and Mortality effects
3.10 The Economic Fallout from COVID-19
3.10.1 Drivers of the Severity of the Global Health Impact
3.11 What We Know About Pandemic Severity Rates
3.12 The Rising Chinese Global Dominance
3.13 Prospects and Conclusions for the World After the Pandemic
4 Caught in the "Thucydides Trap?" Revisiting Kondratieff Waves, Warfare, and World Security and Their Implications for the Gulf Region

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