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Education policies
Analyzing policy documents of labor education and study tour in China
Classroom Teaching Behavior Analysis Based On Artificial Intelligence
Research on the Control of Redundancy Effect of Decorative Icons in Instructional PPT
Research on the Influence of Quantity and Emotion of Danmaku in Online Instructional Video on Learning
Cluster Analysis of College Students' Online Classes Experience
Study in Intelligent Exam Based on RNN and LSTM
Teacher Facial Expression Recognition Based on GoogLeNet-InceptionV3 CNN Model
An Overview study of Importance of Artificial Intelligence in the improvement of Online Education
A Review of Attention Detection in online Learning
Analysis of Teaching Introspection Text Based on Semantic Similarity
A Summary of Text Classification Technology and Its Application in Teacher Language Classification
Construction of Teacher-Student Interaction Evaluation Index System for High School Mathematics Concept Assimilation Learning Based on Artificial Intelligence
An overview of data mining techniques for student performance prediction
Eye Tracking and Its Applications in the Field of Intelligent Education
Personalised material and course recommendation system for high school students
Research on mathematics teachers' professional growth factors based on keyword extraction and sentiment analysis
Teacher award prediction based on machine learning methods
A Study of the Current Status of Teachers' Core Qualities and Abilities and the Importance of Their Background Factors in Primary and Secondary Schools in Tianjin
The Analysis Path of Classroom Teacher Behavior Supported by Artificial Intelligence
A Survey of Automated Essay Scoring System Based on Naive Bayes Classifier
Curriculum Reform and Exploration under the Background of "Artificial Intelligence and New Engineering"
Dynamics, Hot Spots and Future Directions of Educational Research in the Intelligent Era
AI and Practice Teaching Electronic Information innovative training model in the context of exploring
Overview of Intelligent Tutoring System
Study on Intelligent Evaluation of High School Mathematics Teachers' Teaching Reflection.

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