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Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Reasoning
2.1 The Nature of Reasoning
2.2 Gilbert Harman: Reasoning and Rationality as a Change in View
2.3 Inferences. Material Inference, Reasoning, and the Non-monotonic Norm: Evaluating Conceptual Competence as an Explicit and...
2.3.1 Skills, Inferences, and Evaluation: A Case in Point
2.3.2 Robert Brandom: Formal Inference and Material Inference
2.3.3 Concepts and Understanding: The Ultimate Nature of Concepts
2.3.4 Conceptual Content, Material Inference and Non-monotonic Norms
2.4 Jan Derry: Inferentialism and the Critique of the Representational Notion of Concepts
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Ethics, Education, and Reasoning
3.1 Ethical Judgements
3.2 Virtue Ethics
3.2.1 Linda Zagzebski: Responsibility and Virtue
3.3 The Epistemology of Virtues (Virtue Epistemology)
3.3.1 Sosa: Reliability, Conditionality, and Epistemic Virtue
3.3.2 Duncan Pritchard: The Cognitive Goal Beyond Cognitive Success
3.3.3 Jason Baehr: Intellectual Virtues and Critical Thinking
3.3.4 Ben Kotzee: The Social Realism Didactic Theory Between Fluency and Realist Didactics
3.4 Critical Thinking and Ethics: Fostering a Fair-Minded Thinker
3.4.1 Side Effects of Different Conception of Thinking in Education Epistemic Asymmetry and Rationality Can Critical Thinking Be Intended as a Key Competence? Critical Thinking, Key Competencies, and the Alleged Aim of `a Good Life ́ The Prototype of Society as a Criterion of Key Competence Selection and the Value of Time Temporal Norms and a Theory of Non-alienated vs Theory of Good Life Side Effects of Critical Thinking as a General Key Competence and Moral Values The `Linear ́Rational Style of the Competent Society
3.4.2 The Epistemology of Education
3.4.3 Richard Paul and Linda Elder on Critical Thinking and the Purposes of Education Fair-Minded Critical Thinking vs Selfish Critical Thinking in Education to Ethics
3.4.4 The Ability to Make Inferences
3.4.5 Assumptions
3.4.6 Inferences, Sociocentric Thinking, and Multiculturalism
3.5 Rational Imagination, Abduction, and Counterfactual Reasoning: The Non-monotonic Nature of Competence Between Knowledge Ex...
3.5.1 Timothy Williamson: Abductive Thinking, Counterfactuals, and Knowledge Extension
3.5.2 Ruth Byrne: Rational Imagination, Inferences, and Counterfactual Thinking
3.6 Reasoning and its Role in Ethics Education: The Philosophy for Children
3.6.1 Lisaś Inner Conflict
3.7 Conclusions. Virtue and Competence, some Reflections on Advantages and Limits
Chapter 4: Critical Thinking and Epistemic Value
4.1 Varieties of Critical Thinking
About the Author
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Reasoning
2.1 The Nature of Reasoning
2.2 Gilbert Harman: Reasoning and Rationality as a Change in View
2.3 Inferences. Material Inference, Reasoning, and the Non-monotonic Norm: Evaluating Conceptual Competence as an Explicit and...
2.3.1 Skills, Inferences, and Evaluation: A Case in Point
2.3.2 Robert Brandom: Formal Inference and Material Inference
2.3.3 Concepts and Understanding: The Ultimate Nature of Concepts
2.3.4 Conceptual Content, Material Inference and Non-monotonic Norms
2.4 Jan Derry: Inferentialism and the Critique of the Representational Notion of Concepts
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Ethics, Education, and Reasoning
3.1 Ethical Judgements
3.2 Virtue Ethics
3.2.1 Linda Zagzebski: Responsibility and Virtue
3.3 The Epistemology of Virtues (Virtue Epistemology)
3.3.1 Sosa: Reliability, Conditionality, and Epistemic Virtue
3.3.2 Duncan Pritchard: The Cognitive Goal Beyond Cognitive Success
3.3.3 Jason Baehr: Intellectual Virtues and Critical Thinking
3.3.4 Ben Kotzee: The Social Realism Didactic Theory Between Fluency and Realist Didactics
3.4 Critical Thinking and Ethics: Fostering a Fair-Minded Thinker
3.4.1 Side Effects of Different Conception of Thinking in Education Epistemic Asymmetry and Rationality Can Critical Thinking Be Intended as a Key Competence? Critical Thinking, Key Competencies, and the Alleged Aim of `a Good Life ́ The Prototype of Society as a Criterion of Key Competence Selection and the Value of Time Temporal Norms and a Theory of Non-alienated vs Theory of Good Life Side Effects of Critical Thinking as a General Key Competence and Moral Values The `Linear ́Rational Style of the Competent Society
3.4.2 The Epistemology of Education
3.4.3 Richard Paul and Linda Elder on Critical Thinking and the Purposes of Education Fair-Minded Critical Thinking vs Selfish Critical Thinking in Education to Ethics
3.4.4 The Ability to Make Inferences
3.4.5 Assumptions
3.4.6 Inferences, Sociocentric Thinking, and Multiculturalism
3.5 Rational Imagination, Abduction, and Counterfactual Reasoning: The Non-monotonic Nature of Competence Between Knowledge Ex...
3.5.1 Timothy Williamson: Abductive Thinking, Counterfactuals, and Knowledge Extension
3.5.2 Ruth Byrne: Rational Imagination, Inferences, and Counterfactual Thinking
3.6 Reasoning and its Role in Ethics Education: The Philosophy for Children
3.6.1 Lisaś Inner Conflict
3.7 Conclusions. Virtue and Competence, some Reflections on Advantages and Limits
Chapter 4: Critical Thinking and Epistemic Value
4.1 Varieties of Critical Thinking