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1 Environmental Risks That May Be Caused by GM Crops
1.1 Biotechnology and GM Crops
1.2 Traits of GM Crops
1.3 The Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities
1.3.1 Activities Associated with the Development and the Use of GM Crops
1.3.2 The Status Quo of the Cultivation of GM Crops
1.4 The Environmental Risks That May Be Caused by the Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities
1.4.1 The Reduction of the Amount of Chemical Pesticides
1.4.2 The Impact on Ecosystems

1.5 Reflections from a Legal Perspective
2 The International Regulatory Approach Addressing Environmental Risks That May Be Caused by GM Crops
2.1 Reasons for Adopting International Law to Regulate GM Crops
2.2 International Instruments to Be Discussed in the Chapter
2.3 The International Legal Framework
2.3.1 Relationships Between the CBD, the CPB and the SP
2.3.2 Dispute Settlement and Compliance Mechanisms
2.4 The CBD
2.4.1 Objectives
2.4.2 The Application of the CBD to the Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities

2.4.3 Legal Measures in the CBD
2.5 The CPB
2.5.1 Objectives
2.5.2 The Scope of Application and Its Application to the Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities
2.5.3 Legal Principles and Measures in the CPB
2.6 The SP
2.6.1 Objectives
2.6.2 The Scope of Application and Its Application to the Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities
2.6.3 Legal Measures in the SP
2.7 Conclusion
3 The Chinese Regulatory Framework and Institutional Structure Addressing Environmental Risks That May Be Caused by GM Crops
3.1 The Regulatory Framework

3.1.1 Introduction to the Chinese Legal System
3.1.2 Legislation and Policies for Environmental Issues Related to GM Crops
3.1.3 Interim Conclusion
3.2 GM Crop Safety Management Authorities
3.2.1 The Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference
3.2.2 The MARA
3.2.3 The MEE
3.3 Conclusion
4 Legal Principles Addressing Environmental Risks That May Be Caused by GM Crops in China
4.1 The Precautionary Principle
4.1.1 The International Obligation of China to Implement the Precautionary Approach Regarding GM Crops

4.1.2 The Precautionary Principle Regarding the Regulation of GM Crops in China
4.1.3 The Application of the Precautionary Principle in the Regulation of GM Crops in China
4.1.4 Interim Conclusion
4.2 The Public Involvement Principle
4.2.1 China's International Obligations Regarding the Public Involvement Principle in the Regulation of GM Crops
4.2.2 The Definition of the Public Involvement Principle and the Approach to Discussing It
4.2.3 Access to Information Regarding the Cultivation of GM Crops and Related Activities

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