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Current and New Developments in Death, Dying and End-Of-Life Care Policies and Practices / Luc Deliens
Experience of End-of-Life Issues by People with Intellectual Disability / Roger J. Stancliff, Michele Y. Wiese, Philip McCallion, and Mary McCarron
Suicide and Autism : A Lifespan Perspective / Darren Hedley, Susan M. Hayward, Alison Clarke, Mirko Uljarević, and Mark A. Stokes
Advance Care Planning with and for People who have Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities / Jacqueline McGinley and Deborah Waldrop
Decision-Making at the End of Life : Challenges and Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities in Residential Homes in Germany / Sabine Schäper
How People with Intellectual Disability are Dying and Implications for Quality Care / Jane Bernal, Michele Y. Wiese, and Stuart Todd
Living and Dying Well with Dementia / Mary McCarron, Andrew P. Allen, Niamh Mulryan, Martina Leigh, Louise O'Reilly, Cathy McCarthy, Pamela Dunne, Evelyn Reilly, and Philip McCallion
Building shared end-of-life supports and cross-training for hospice/palliative and intellectual disability services providers / Lisa A. Ferretti, Mary McCarron, and Philip McCallion
Supporting People with Intellectual Disability at End of Life : Moral Distress among Staff Caregivers During COVID-19 / Mary McCarron, Kathyan Kelly, Philip McCallion, Éilish Burke, Margaret Haigh, and Andrew Wormald
Accessible Funerals and People with Intellectual Disability / Rachel Forrester-Jones, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Roger J. Stancliffe, and Michele Y. Wiese
End-of-Life Doulas and People Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disability / Carolyn Ellison
Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Children with Intellectual Disabilities / Carmel Doyle and Claire Quinn
End-of-life Issues and Support Needs of People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disability / Hille Voss, Joanne Watson, and Melissa J. Bloomer
The Process of Dying / Karen Ryan
Use of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders / Philip McCallion, Lisa A. Ferretti, and Mary McCarron
Positioning the Issues : An Agenda for Future End-of-life Research, Policy and Practice / Mchele Y. Wiese, Roger J. Stancliffe, Philip McCallion, and Mary McCarron
End-of Life Resources / Michele Y. Wiese.

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