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Chapter 1: The Entrepreneurial Vision Imperative
Chapter 2. Understanding Entrepreneurial Vision
Chapter 3. The motivational roots of entrepreneurial vision
Chapter 4. Measuring Entrepreneurial Motivation
Chapter 5. Vision Frameworks based on Motivation
Chapter 6. Creating Context through Networks: The Role of Early Advisors
Chapter 7. Creating Context through Networks: Building the Entrepreneurial Team
Chapter 8. Creating Vision Context through Market Insights: Deep Diving an Industry
Chapter 9. Creating Market Vision Context: Proactive Market Orientation
Chapter 10. Creating Market Vision Context: Using Market Learning Tools
Chapter 11. Market Vision Creation
Chapter 12. Technology Vision Creation
Chapter 13. Crafting the Vision Statement
Chapter 14. Determining the Market Niche Beachhead for Testing your Vision
Chapter 15. Concept Testing
Chapter 16. Refining the Visions Value-add and Value Proposition- Chapter 17. Willingness-to-Adopt (WTA) Testing
Chapter 18. Developing your Financial Vision
Chapter 19. Communicating Your Vision
Chapter 20. Conclusion: Bringing Your Vision to Life.

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