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List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction: Feeling Men-Emotional Masculine Subjectivities, Ethics, and the Postpaternal
Gendered Narratives of Emotions and Ethics: The Postpaternal
"Structure of Feeling": Gendered Narratives of Emotions and Ethics
A Feminist Ethics for Masculinities
Masculinities: Becoming Men, Yet How?
Gendered Ethics and Gentlemanly Ambivalence
Masculine Narrative Ethics
Narrative Connections of Affects and Ethics
Chapter Overview

Part I: Fathers and Sons: Mirroring, Lack, and Masculine Subjectivities
Chapter 2: Narrative Ethics of Care: Folding Fathers, Gifts Given, Subjectivity Beyond Mastery
Fathers as Mirrors: Look of Love, Lack, and Contesting the Fantasy of the Self-made Man
Fathers Foregrounded: Paternal Subjectivities
Subjectivity of the Father and His Non-image: White Noise and The Road
Comparison of Subjective Fathers: Image and Non-image
The Non-subjective Father Narrative
Non-subjective Fathers Serving as Images for Sons
Non-subjectivity Plus Non-image of the Father

Comparison of Non-subjective Fathers: Death or Relinquishing Patriarchy
Lacking Fathers: Looks of Love
Chapter 3: Ethics of Creation: Copy of the Copy: Sons' Narratives of Feeling of Selfhood
Introduction: Sons: Anxiety, Copies of Lack, and Self-reflection
Beyond the Mirror Stage: Desire for the Father as Mirror, Protection, Love, Competition
Same Copy: New Narratives of the Sons: Desiring Reflection
Filial Difference: Rejection of the Copy: Narratives of Paternal and Maternal Death and Birth of the Son
No Copy, No Death: Alternative Mirrors

Filial Narratives of Ambivalence
Part II: The Gentleman Deconstructed
Chapter 4: Ethics of Honor: Postgentlemen's Narratives and Affects of Alterity
The Gentleman, the Nomadic, Anxiety, and Other Affects
The Gentleman: Historical Emergence and Narrative Permutations
Shell of Heroism: Narratives of Emotion
Irish Gentlemen: (Post)Colonial Masculinity
Spanish Gamblers: Caballeros in Spain's Silver Age, Civil War, and Postwar Era
Russian Transnational Nomad
African American Fighter: Beyond the Self-made Man

The Transman and the Nomadic: Into the Mirror
Beyond Protest Masculinity
Chapter 5: Ethics of Proximity: Lack and Dispossession
Closeness in Subjectivities: Men's Dominance, Abuse of Power, Delayed Empathy or Non-empathy
Rewriting Marriage and Adultery Plots: Narrative Displacements
Cinematic Proximity: Reordering Looking Relations and the Male Gaze
The Look of Lack: Brokeback Mountain and the Castrating Patriarchal Gaze
Transmasculine Subjectivity and the Unknowing Male Gaze: Boys Don't Cry

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