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1)Sources of selenium and nano-selenium in soil and plants
(2)Use of selenium and nano-selenium in agro-biotechnologies
(3)Selenium and nano-selenium as a new frontier of biostimulants
(4)Selenium and nano-selenium in plant nutrition and crop quality
(5)Uptake and metabolism of selenium in plants: recent progress and future perspectives
(6)Synthesis and characterization of nano-selenium using plant biomolecules and their potential applications
(7)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated salt stress tolerance in plants
(8)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated drought stress tolerance in plants
(9)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated heat stress tolerance in plants
(10)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated cold stress tolerance in plants
(11)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated heavy metal stress tolerance in plants
(12)Selenium and nano-selenium mediated biotic stress tolerance in plants
(13)Selenium bioavailability and nutritional improvements in crop plants
(14)Effect of selenium application on quality improvements of seeds and fruits
(15)The genetics of selenium accumulation by plants: recent progress and future perspectives
(16)Agronomic bio-fortification crops with exogenous selenium application
(17)Selenium toxicity and tolerance in plants: recent progress and future perspectives
(18) Selenium bio-fortification for quality and nutritional improvements
(19)Manipulation of selenium metabolism in plants for tolerance and accumulation
(20)Selenium hyper-accumulation and phytoremediation: recent progress and future perspectives
(21) Selenium in food chain in relation to human and animal nutrition and health.

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