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PART I. Spinoza and Marx
Chapter 1. Spinoza and Marx: thinkers of immanence
Chapter 2. Marx with Spinoza: in search of an emergence theory
PART II. Causality, history and subjectivity: a Marxist perspective
Chapter 3. "Marxism is not historicism" : hits and limits of an Althusserian thesis
Chapter 4. Materialism and subjectivity: Marx's position
Chapter 5. Marxism and subjectivity: a reading of the 1844 Manuscripts
PART III. Darwin and Marx, yesterday and today: the controversy with transcendent thinking
Chapter 6. Philosophical consequences of Darwin's controversy with religious thought
Chapter 7. History and teleology in Darwin and Marx. To understand a debate
Chapter 8. On Darwin, black boxes and the surprising return of creationism
Chapter 9. When sociology of science is needed: contemporary aspects of the clash between creationists and evolutionists.

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