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Accompanying Word
Accompanying Word
Amendment to the English Edition
Amendment to the English Edition
Physical Units and Conversion Factors
Basic Units
Basic Units
Other Units
Further Conversions
Transformation Energy for Changes in the State of Water
Internationally Defined Prefixes for Units and the Associated Factors (English Designations)
Abbreviations and Symbols
Part I: General Part
1: Preliminary Remarks
1.1 Scientific Ecology
1.2 Importance of Systematics and Taxonomy for Biology

1.3 Importance of Scientific Documentation (e.g. in Museums)
1.4 Importance of Excursions for Young Scientists
2: Part A: Ecological Basics (Autecology)
2.1 Ecological Factors
2.1.1 Radiation, Light
Radiation and Plant
Absorption of Radiation Through the Leaves
2.1.2 Temperature, Frost, Heat
2.1.3 Water
Global Water Supply
Water Balance Types and Drought Resistance
Soil Water
Water State of the Cell
2.1.4 Chemical Factors and the Soil
Nutrients and Trace Elements, Mineral Supply
Salt: Halophytes and Salt Soils, Halobiomes

2.1.5 Mechanical Factors
Wind, Trampling
2.2 The Climate
2.2.1 General Questions
2.2.2 The Radiation Budget and Astronomical Basics
2.2.3 The Heat Balance
2.2.4 The Water Balance
2.2.5 The Earthś Eco-Climates (Climate Classification)
2.2.6 Climate Representation: Thermo-Isopleth Diagrams, Ecological Climate Diagrams
3: Part B: Ecological Basis (Synecology)
3.1 Environment and Competition
3.2 Pollination and Fertilization (Flowers, Seeds, Fruits)
3.3 Dispersal and Distribution
3.4 Ecotypes and Biotope Change

3.5 The Historical Dimension
3.6 Coevolution and Symbioses
3.7 Population Ecology
3.8 Biodiversity
3.8.1 The Uneven Global Distribution of Biodiversity
3.8.2 On the Value of Threatened Diversity
3.9 Zonal, Azonal and Extrazonal Vegetation
4: Part C: Ecological Systems and Ecosystem Biology
4.1 Geo-Biosphere and Hydro-Biosphere
4.2 The Hydro-Biosphere
4.3 Division of the Geo-Biosphere into Zonobiomes
4.4 Zonoecotone
4.5 Ecological Systems
4.6 Orobiomes and Pedobiomes
4.7 Biome

4.8 Small Units of the Ecological System: Biogeocenes and Synusia
4.9 Ecosystem Biology and the Nature of Ecosystems
4.10 Highly Productive Ecosystems
4.11 Peculiarities of the Material Cycles of Different Ecosystems
4.12 The Importance of Fire for Ecosystems
4.13 The Individual Zonobiomes and Their Distribution
Part II: Special Part
5: Part D: ZB I-Zonobiome of the Evergreen Tropical Rainforest or of the Equatorial Humid Diurnal Climate
5.1 Typical Features of the Climate in ZB I
5.2 Soils and Pedobiomes
5.3 Vegetation

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