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Corporate Social Responsibility and COVID-19 Pandemic in Four Continents: An Introduction
Part I: CSR and COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe
COVID-19 Pandemic Management from a Sustainability Viewpoint: An Analysis for Austria, the European Union, and the WHO
1 Introduction
2 I. The Role of the WHO in the Global Health Crisis: Was the Necessary Guidance Delivered in Time?
2.1 A Governance Issue?
3 II. European Governance and its Contribution to Global Health Crisis Management

4 III. Austriaś Performance in COVID-19 Crisis Management
4.1 Death Toll
4.2 Law Framework and Finances
4.3 Political Governance to Steer Economic and Social Development
4.4 Vaccine Policy and Tests
4.5 Public Health Policy and Scientific Debate
4.6 Data Availability and Access to Information
4.7 Proportionality of Measures and Respect of Human Rights: Democracies at Stake?
5 IV. The Ozone Therapy to Combat COVID-19: A Promising Approach although Not Recommended So Far by the WHO
Annex 1: Gestorbene 2020 nach Todesursachen, Alter und Geschlecht

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Programs in the Health System of Greece due to the Pandemic of COVID-19
1 The Pandemic Era in Greece
2 Methodology
3 What Is a Healthcare Organization?
4 Critical CSR and Sustainability
5 Health Value as a Global Sustainable Goal
6 Critical CSR Programs in Greece during the Pandemic
7 Incentives for Critical CSR Policies in the Healthcare Sector
8 Criticism about the Response to Coronavirus in Greece
9 Discussion and Conclusions

CSR Manifestations in Health Care Facilities in Poland During the COVID-19 Pandemic
1 Introduction
1.1 CSR: The Key Issues
1.2 Development of CSR in Poland
2 Non-public Health Care Facilities in Poland During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A CSR Perspective
3 Conclusion
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Solution for Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romania
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1 The Corporate Social Responsibility Oriented Toward Organizations Employees

2.2 The Corporate Social Responsibility Oriented Toward the Community
2.3 The Pandemic Impact on Both the Organizations and the Employees
2.4 The Changes Implemented by the Organizations After 2 Years in Which They Faced the Pandemic
3 Research Methodology
4 Results
5 Discussions
6 Conclusions
Responsiveness, Strategy and Health as Diplomacy: The Unlikely Case of Serbia
1 Beyond Introduction: Conceptual Foundations
1.1 Where Does Serbia Then Differ and Stand out?

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