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Part 1: Borderology as a project for the future
Borderology and civilization
"Alphabet" of borderology: The question of what is enlightenment?- The phenomenon of the border and the pandemic
The boundaries of humanity
European borders in migration and pandemic times: Paradigmatic changes
Part 2: Philosophical and anthropological dimensions of the pandemic crisis
Turning to face the non-human: New strategic ways to think about the pandemic
Existential and cultural aspect of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The prospect of forming new cultural boundaries and the phenomenon of mood
The border between hierarchical and network approaches to researching the coronavirus pandemic
Part 3: Space and borders in the pandemic context
How does the pandemic invalidate the sociological definition of the city?- New economic and cultural biases of strategic development in Lithuanian-Polish cross-border functional area under the impact of pandemic and migrations
The fourteen critical factors for regional development in borderlands: Focusing on European Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) areas
Portuguese perceptions on borders - From the escape path to the sanitarian imposition 1950-2020
The migrants, the 'Stayers', and the new borderlands in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit
Between humanitarianism and security - The events at the Polish-Belarusian border
Part 4: The contours of a new (post) pandemic reality
Self-construction in the world web and the borders of freedom in pandemic times
Public realm, privacy and the scholars' life-world - Reloaded. An unintentional voyeur in a Russian kitchen
Pandemic, borders and new technology - Distance Breaking Media (DBM)
Communication-contacts-dialogue: The transformation of education during the pandemic
Education in the time of a pandemic: Towards a hermeneutics of closed borders and travel bans.

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