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Praise for Instagram as Public Pedagogy
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
Online Activism and the Trans Mountain Pipeline Controversy
Instagram in Social and Political Life
Instagrammed Public Pedagogy
Chapter 2: Resistance to the Trans Mountain Expansion in a Settler Colonial Context
Pipeline Disruptions to Diverse Homelands
Pipeline Disruptions to Sovereign Decision-Making
Timeline of Colonial Decisions in the Pipeline Project
Colonial Decision-Making and Pipeline Development

Pipelines and Canadian Identity
Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and the Environment
Critiques of Environmentalism
Settler Colonialism and White Supremacy
Capitalism, Extractivism, and the Climate
Climate Change and Settler Colonialism
Indigenous Decolonial and Resurgent Approaches to the Land
What Does Media Have to Do with It?
Chapter 3: Social Media Learning: Public Pedagogy, Power, and Agency
Public Pedagogy of Social Media
Public Pedagogy and Agency
Networked Media as a Site of Counterhegemonic Public Pedagogy

Knowledge Production and Communication on Social Media
Public Pedagogy and Platforms
Who Are the Publics of Social Media Pedagogies?
Beyond the Public to Multiple Publics
Multiple Publics, Affect, and Networked Media
Connective and Calculated Publics on Networked Media
Tracing Trans Mountain Pipeline Public Pedagogy
Latour and Issue Mapping
Distant and Close Digital Research
Digital Methods
Visual Methodologies
Close Reading
Query Design and Data Set
Ethical Considerations
Chapter 4: #stoptmx: Hashtagged Issue Public Pedagogy

The Flow of Issue Publics
Context: The Flow of Issue Publics
Profile of #stoptmx
Hardly Homogeneous: Co-hashtag Analysis
General Anti-pipeline Resistance (Gold) (Fig. 4.4)
Tiny House Warriors (Green) (Fig. 4.5)
Wilderness Protection in the Pacific Northwest (Turquoise) (Fig. 4.6)
Climate Change: Justice (Pink), Activism (Brown), and Pro-oil (Orange) (Fig. 4.7)
Instagram Vernaculars and Visual Sovereignty: Image-Hashtag Analysis
Raised Fist: Light Skin Tone: Hashtag-Emoji Analysis
Issue Public Pedagogy
Hashtagged Issue Public Pedagogy

Aesthetic Public Pedagogy: Interrupting Layered Distributions of the Sensible
Issue Public Pedagogues: Multiple, Monstrous, Mundane
Chapter 5: From Blueberry Harvesting Grounds to Urban Ports: Public Pedagogy and Place
Location on Instagram
Zooming Out: Location Tags and Location Networks
Location Tags and Colonial Toponymy Online
Location-Hashtag Network
Zooming In: Location Profiles
Burnaby Mountain
Blue River
British Columbia
The Public Pedagogy of Place
Place-Based and Place-Connected Public Pedagogy

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